of the
American Musical Instrument Society

In the 2024 issue
The Estate of the Dresden Jagd-Pfeiffer and Instrument Maker Johann Muller (1664–1735)
Jóhannes Ágústsson and Kjartan Óskarsson
The Ixtaltepec Piano: A Preliminary Report
Laurence Libin, Fanny Magaña, Jimena Palacios Uribe, Edward Charles Pepe
Frame Drums in the Ancient Levant: A Woman’s Instrument
Carol Meyers
Stewart Carter and Zhiyu (Alex) Zhang
An Instrument for the Concert Stage: An Investigation into the Redesign of the Rabeca in Pernambuco
Erasmo Estrada
The Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society is an annual publication. Approximately 200 pages in length, it contains 3–6 articles, book reviews, a list of recent publications concerning musical instruments, and other notices and relevant advertisements.
Book reviews Editor
Send books for review to:
Edmond Johnson
Occidental College (F-6)
1600 Campus Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314
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Author Guidelines
Looking to submit an article or review to the Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society? Check out our GUIDELINES for CONTRIBUTORS for all of your questions concerning formatting, deadlines, and other content inquiries.
Journal Advertising
The AMIS journal offers a variety of advertising options, from quarter-page insets to two-page spreads, in color or black-and-white.To find out more about advertising options, contact our Advertising Manager Robert Apple.
An archive of the complete Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society is available here as a searchable online resource. All volumes from its 1975 beginnings are included. Access to the most recent three issues is restricted to current AMIS members only.
Articles are individually downloadable. Search author name or title keywords using your browser’s search feature (Ctrl+F or Command+F). Or browse the continuous Table of Contents by scrolling. Click to read articles, essays, reviews, communications, lists of new publications, and front and back matter.
The online archive and download page are created and hosted through a partnership with the Musical Instrument Research Catalog (MIRCat).
Send questions or suggestions to JAMIS archivist John Watson.
Journal Index
An index to the first twenty volumes (1975-1994) was published in 1997, listing articles, reviews, and communications. The ONLINE INDEX found here has been updated to cover volumes 1-32 (1975-2006).